
You surely play an instrument, by ear or using songbooks with chords or tablatures.
Perhaps now feels the need to go one step further, take a course, learn a little more and experience to be 'creative' with the music. Put chords to a song when you do not have them, change them a little at a songbook to be more like a recording, and why not! try to compose your own music.

If so: CONGRATULATIONS! These pages were written for you.

Do not worry if you are a "musical illiterate", I mean don't read staves or does with great difficulty. Nor if you think you are missing the basics of music or feel confused even in elemental concepts: we will review what we need from basics.

The writing style is short and concise, if you don't understand, read it again slowly. If not, go ahead and return later.

Here you can:
  • understand what are the chords, which are the most common and what are their roles
  • learn what are the most common cord progressions in different musical styles
  • learn how to put or change chords to a melody or a song by ear, that is:
  • how to 'draw' issues heard

Where do I start?
If you already have the Basic notions of practical harmony start with Get chords by ear.
If you like step by step tutorials see Tutorial multimedia to get chords by ear.
If you want to go another step further, go on with More notions of practical harmony
If you're comfortable using songbooks but wants to introduce variations, see Playing with chords
There is a section of content Just for guitar, with hundreds of chord positions and advices.